Woah. I haven't been writing online like this in ages. And as usual, there's always the pressure of making a wonderful first post that makes people want to stay and read what you're putting down.
I think for now, I'll just settle for less than perfection.
Hiya. You'll probably wonder what reason you should have for even bothering to bookmark this blog, much less check back for updates. Well, while I can't guarantee you'll enjoy my writing, I am going to put stuff on here, and like so many others before me, I'll be trying to do reviews.
I know anyone and their mother does reviews these days, but I'd like to make my opinion heard. And I'll doubt I'll ever have an opportunity to sell out my "talent", so any quality that's around will probably stay. I'm doing this because I hope to keep enjoying it, not in hopes of making money off it.
So what am I going to take a look at? Hopefully, everything. Or anything that strikes my fancy to review, that is. Movies, music, items, books, people, ideas, new, old, anything goes. I've always been a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, and I doubt that's going to stop any time soon. And of course, anyone is free to comment, no matter if they agree, disagree, or have something they want me to look at. Hopefully there'll be enough of the latter to keep the reviews flowing if I run out of ideas myself.
Hopefully the looks of the bog itself will change over time, as well. I've never been good with designing, but some day something better looking might hit me. For now, I kinda like how it looks.
Well, I think that's all that needs to be said for now. Don't feel like you have to wait with baited breath for the first post with actual content. Feel free to speak out, no matter what you wish to say. I'm a strong supporter of free speech.
- Fox in a Fedora